Dear fencing friends and family.
It has been over two months since we have seen you in person, heard the kids’ laughter during warm up games and fenced. We miss you all!
Consistency is critical to fencing and this also applies to how we are approaching our stance on when to reopen CFA. Our priority is to keep our CFA family healthy and safe. Even as other clubs across the country and in our area may start to open, we think it is important to take a conservative approach, monitor the data, and watch closely the emerging trends as we start to transition out of quarantine.
We will follow the Forward Virginia guidelines issued by state government, but with a two week delay. Our facility is a gym and the guidelines specify that there may be a work out going on with a single client at a time essentially.
We are making a decision every Friday and have multiple options at each decision point. Right now, things stand like this:
Summer Camps: June 15th camp at CFA is cancelled. June 22nd Mega camp with Olympians Susie and Ro is cancelled, but we are able to replace it with a smaller camp at CFA. All other camps still on schedule.
We are not in a position to issue refunds, but you are welcome to use the pre-registration fees towards any other service.
CFA Phase One, June 8th:
This means that we may resume one on one lessons with a single coach and student only. No bouting unless it’s a white lesson with coach.
No spectators allowed, though parents are welcome to hang out in the parking lot. Masks required. Personal equipment only. We will have disinfectant available and keep the garage door open with fans running. No AC.
Please stay tuned for specific sign up procedures.
If this period finishes without re-emerging infections we will move to CFA Phase Two on June 22nd.
CFA Phase Two, June 22nd:
Eight fencers and two coaches in the building. One on one lessons resumed, bouting resumed.
Camps running, other potential activities like clinics with no more than 10 people in the room.
No spectators allowed still. Masks required. Personal equipment only. Disinfectant available and garage door open with fans running. No AC.
CFA Phase Three, August 6th:
Resume normal activities. Garage door closed, AC on. Assist everyone with rescheduling, stay flexible and on point.
We are anxious to get everyone back on the strip, but we want to make sure when we resume in person lessons and classes, we have a solid plan in place so that we can hit the ground running and get back to training rather than start and have to close doors again. USA Fencing is working on a Nationals and tournament taskforce, there are no updates yet.
Meanwhile keep on keeping on! Join our online classes, enjoy the interviews and bout analyses videos and remember, #wewillfenceagain!
Coach Ilya and the CFA Team.
PS: Please vote in the USA Fencing election!